
Tendering is a process of identifying need as explained in an invitation with questions (method statements) on how you as a service would respond, react, deliver or resolve. The tendering process often is more an approach to answering questions than capability to deliver. Often scored and assessed to identify winners and losers.

The biggest challenge you face is well before answering questions and making sure your answer is fit for purpose it is should I respond or not. That answer can be found in a number of areas but ultimately if you have a 10% chance of winning and others have a 90% chance do you spend the time, energy or money in submitting?  The answer is yours but the priority will be to change the 10% and make it a more level playing field. Some questions are yes and no answers, where the wrong answer is immediate exclusion.

Commissioners select on risk mitigation more than price and often you will see quality is weighted higher so if you can deliver a solution that is proven price becomes less of a priority.

Tenders can be short responses, lengthy or in stages. Our pricing for tendering is reflective on the type and time it takes to respond.