Non Executive Director

After a period of working with clients in partnership the relationship can develop further by appointing one of our directors as a Non Executive. Why?

It is important within the Health and Social Care sector that governance and controls are robust and a priority of the directors. Where the busines is a family led business it will also provide independnce verification of critical decisions.

There are two types of Non Executive Director posts and these are handled either as part of the company or as a director/trustee of the company.

Non Executive Director (Director / Trustee)

This service will be a direct individual relationship with the company, but more typically it will be a Charity or Community Interest Company. This will include the appointment as a Trustee/Director of your company. The service is typically agreed outwith the company as there is no direct or indirect benefit to MSCB Global Limited from these appointments.

Declaration of Intersts

Director - Craig Machan

  • Reachout with Arts in Mind (SC373771)
  • Serene Solace CIC (15509915)

Director - Anne Marie Machan

  • Fife Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Centre (SC327459)

Our directors serve on Boards of charitable organisations supported by the company approach to "Putting Something Back" initiative where in some cases all fees are £0.

Non Executive Director (Consultancy Service)

The Non Executive Director, as part of the company, is a paid service which involves external support and quarterly meetings, and enables your business to use our name either Company or Individual. The individual is NOT appointed as a director of your company.

The agreement can be developed to include specific further services to support your business need, not ours.

Most business will include Safeguarding Board, Safeguarding, Consultancy and Mentoring.

We provide Non Executive Director Consultancy Services for the following companies

  • Progressive Support Services
  • Codeko Homes Limited
  • QuayWest Group Limited
  • RH Community Services Limited
  • Diamond Star Care Services ta TBTT Direct Limited